“You can't see the future coming — not the terrors, for sure, but you also can't see the wonders that are coming, the moments of light-soaked joy that await each of us.”
— John Green, The Anthropocene Reviewed
Emmy is not at all what is expected. But unicorns aren't expected, they're enchanted, and in the words of Emmy's grandpa, she is one heck of a perfect unicorn.
Our lives have become our normal. And while they may not look normal, they feel it. We have two happy sons. We go to the playground, on vacation, to the beach, we swim. We have good times and bad. But we have pure and innocent love in our boys.
"Punky" is literally sunshine in a tiny cute little human. She absolutely loves to be outside or in the water! Her favorite foods are peanut butter sandwiches and macaroni and cheese (shells only please).
I will never forget the geneticist telling us, "Angela will write her own story. Keep the bar set high, and you never know what she will achieve."
Vivie loves playing in water, in any form, especially the ocean and dancing. Her smile lights up any room and melts all hearts!