This campaign is inspired by the 4 pillars of action that we’ve seen demonstrated time and again by CASK families after they receive this life changing diagnosis.


C - Cope and Connect with their communities
A - Adapt and Aspire to improve
S - Share and Serve others to ease the path for those who follow
K - Kick CASK - one tiny moment at a time.

This campaign supports all three program areas of CASK Gene Foundation, but the greatest need at this time is for their Translational Research Program for CASK.

This research program is guided by a framework designed to maintain a realistic, goal-oriented long term perspective - to identify and fill gaps along the research path toward treatments and cures.

This ensures researchers get the help they need more urgently first, and that CASK families and their communities are able to benefit from the long process ahead of us on this lifelong marathon.

Using the tools and services available to us as part of the massive team effort needed to succeed in the Campaign 4CASK, we can each be more empowered to decide for ourselves - “What would I do 4CASK?”


What it means to be

“Ready to Soar”

This represents the action steps that families can take, by participating in research - to help our researchers rise above the level of basic science.

While fundraising is important, the actions that families can take to participate in research can be far more impactful. This effort helps to fil the gaps not only for making key research discoveries, but also for providing researchers the data they need to seek and earn their own grant funding from pockets much bigger than our own.

By providing our CASK researchers with medically validated health history data and precious biological samples, we can expedite the path toward successful clinical trials to test treatments or cures proposed for CASK.


This CASK year is off to a great start! Click on this image, or text 4CASK to 71777 to join the general fundraising campaign 4CASK!

As part of our campaign 4 CASK, we also allow registered CASK families the opportunity to set their own priorities for the funds they raise.

By filling out the form below, they can allocate what percentage of their page’s donations are to be directed to each program area - the General Fund, Family Support, Education & Awareness, and Research & Collaboration.