Help Advance CASK Research!


What to Expect

Studies are conducted in various ways, including:  

  • Interviews (in person or by phone/virtual)

  • Surveys

  • Access to medical records

  • Visits to a clinical setting

  • Blood tests, EEG’s or other medical procedures.

Some studies may compensate you for your time, but others may not.

Join the CASK Gene Foundation contact registry, if you would like to be notified when new studies are opened.


What Next?

There are CASK research studies happening at universities and medical centers. Occasionally, the CASK Gene Foundation will also conduct research to support other clinical research goals.

Parents and caregivers should read through study descriptions carefully, to decide whether studies are suitable for your family and loved one.

For details on all active studies and instructions on how to participate, see Current Research Studies.

Current CASK Research Studies

Mental Health Conditions Survey

In order to assist researchers with grant proposals, The CASK Gene Foundation is conducting a brief, informal survey to gather data on mental health concerns for people with CASK Gene Mutations. [. . .]

Seizure and Epilepsy Survey

The CASK Gene Foundation has been contacted by multiple researchers who are interested in learning more about the seizure and epilepsy-related conditions that can be related to CASK-gene mutation. [. . .]